Dezinfekavimo robotas MedBot M-304 - Robotinė sistema patalpų dezinfekcijai MedBot M-304
Robotic system MedBot M-304 for disinfection of premises.
Bacteria removal efficiency is up to 97%.
Operating time without recharging is 4-6 hours.
Areas of use:
1. Disinfection of industrial, warehouse, commercial office premises, halls and foyers of public premises along a predetermined route.
2. Disinfection of hospitals along a predetermined route within one floor.
Functional features:
1. Disinfection of premises with ultraviolet lamps.
2. Ability to work in the presence of people.
3. Autonomous movement in a medical institution, with the ability to set the route of movement, duration of work, intervals in work.
4. Easy configuring of the system through a dedicated application.
Warranty period: 12 months.
Type of UV radiation:UVC
Lamp power:30 W
Warranty period :12 months